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Surgery for Deformed Hands and Birth Defects

After struggling with knee pain, I decided to visit Bhaskar Hospital. The joint replacement surgery by Dr. Bhaskar himself was a game-changer for me. I can’t thank them enough!

Rajesh Gupta

Embrace Freedom: Surgery for Deformed Hands and Birth Defects in Hands and Feet

Our hands and feet are essential tools that enable us to navigate the world around us with ease and independence.

However, for those born with hand or foot deformities, even the simplest tasks can become challenging.

At Bhaskar Hospital, we understand the profound impact these conditions can have on an individual’s quality of life, which is why we offer specialized surgical solutions to correct hand and foot deformities, restoring function and confidence.

Understanding Hand and Foot Deformities

Hand and foot deformities can arise from various causes, including congenital birth defects, genetic disorders, or traumatic injuries.

These conditions can manifest in several ways, such as webbed or fused fingers/toes, extra digits, missing digits, or improperly formed bones and joints.

Regardless of the cause, these deformities can significantly impair an individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks, leading to frustration and a diminished sense of self-confidence.

Our surgical procedures are designed to restore function, improve appearance, and enhance overall quality of life.

Whether it’s separating webbed fingers, reconstructing missing digits, or realigning bones and joints, our surgeons utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to achieve optimal results.

Conditions We Treat:

  • Syndactyly (webbed or fused fingers/toes)
  • Polydactyly (extra digits)
  • Oligodactyly (missing digits)
  • Congenital hand and foot deformities
  • Traumatic injuries affecting the hands or feet
  • And more…

Regain Your Confidence and Independence

If you or a loved one is living with a hand or foot deformity, know that you don’t have to compromise your quality of life.

Our surgical solutions can help restore function, improve appearance, and unlock a newfound sense of confidence and independence.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a transformative journey. Let us help you regain the freedom to embrace life to the fullest.

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